Beginner Muggle Magic Red Token

You have completed 1st grade of beginner muggle magic school and have earned your first token. There are 7 levels of muggle tokens; 1st red, 2nd orange, 3rd yellow, 4th green, 5th blue 6th purple and 7th rainbow. Once you have collected all 7 muggle tokens you will have successfully graduated from muggle magic school of illusions and trickery.

Way to go! You have unlocked the red token and are now officially a beginner muggle!

You can now download this red token and collect the other 6 once you complete the intermediate, advanced, half-blood, professional, pure-blood and real magician levels of muggle magic school.

Right click the token image on PC or hold down the image on phones and select “save image as” option to save a copy to your hard drive or device.